Mercy's Boomerang Effect


Sunday - 11:30amSunday Service | Thursday 7:30pm Bible Study

by: Lionel Peters



DevotionalGod's economy often works in beautiful paradoxes. One of these is the principle of mercy: the more we give it away, the more we receive. When we choose to show mercy through forgiveness, we position ourselves to receive mercy in return. This isn't about earning God's favor; rather, it's about aligning our hearts with His character. By extending mercy to others, we demonstrate that we understand and appreciate the enormous mercy God has shown us. This creates a beautiful cycle of giving and receiving that enriches our spiritual lives.

Bible Verse

"Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy." - Matthew 5:7

Reflection Question

How might your life change if you focused more on showing mercy than seeking justice in your relationships?

Quote When you show mercy to somebody, God's gonna allow you to get mercy.


Gracious God, thank You for Your endless mercy toward me. Help me to be a channel of Your mercy to others, especially when it's difficult. Transform my heart to be more like Yours. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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DevotionalGod's economy often works in beautiful paradoxes. One of these is the principle of mercy: the more we give it away, the more we receive. When we choose to show mercy through forgiveness, we position ourselves to receive mercy in return. This isn't about earning God's favor; rather, it's about aligning our hearts with His character. By extending mercy to others, we demonstrate that we understand and appreciate the enormous mercy God has shown us. This creates a beautiful cycle of giving and receiving that enriches our spiritual lives.

Bible Verse

"Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy." - Matthew 5:7

Reflection Question

How might your life change if you focused more on showing mercy than seeking justice in your relationships?

Quote When you show mercy to somebody, God's gonna allow you to get mercy.


Gracious God, thank You for Your endless mercy toward me. Help me to be a channel of Your mercy to others, especially when it's difficult. Transform my heart to be more like Yours. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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