Weekly Devotional


Sunday - 11:30amSunday Service | Thursday 7:30pm Bible Study

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Love's Unlimited Capacity

by: Lionel Peters



DevotionalLove has an amazing capacity to expand beyond our human limitations. While we might need to set healthy boundaries in relationships, our capacity to forgive should be limitless - just like God's love for us. This doesn't mean we have to maintain close relationships with those who have hurt us, but it does mean we're called to maintain a heart of forgiveness toward them. When we choose to forgive, we're not saying what happened was okay; we're saying we trust God

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Mercy's Boomerang Effect

by: Lionel Peters



DevotionalGod's economy often works in beautiful paradoxes. One of these is the principle of mercy: the more we give it away, the more we receive. When we choose to show mercy through forgiveness, we position ourselves to receive mercy in return. This isn't about earning God's favor; rather, it's about aligning our hearts with His character. By extending mercy to others, we demonstrate that we understand and appreciate the enormous mercy God has shown us. This creates a be

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The Freedom of Letting Go

by: Lionel Peters




Freedom often comes in unexpected packages. Sometimes, the key to our freedom lies in releasing something we've been tightly holding onto - like unforgiveness. When we choose to forgive, we're not just freeing the other person; we're freeing ourselves. Think about it: God's forgiveness toward us isn't based on our worthiness but on His love and mercy. Similarly, our forgiveness toward others shouldn't be based on whether they deserve it. When we align our hearts

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The Weight of Unforgiveness

by: Lionel Peters



DevotionalHave you ever tried carrying a heavy backpack for an extended period? The longer you carry it, the more it weighs you down, affects your posture, and exhausts you. Unforgiveness works similarly in our spiritual lives. When we hold onto hurt and refuse to forgive, we carry a burden that wasn't meant for us to bear. It affects our relationship with God, others, and even ourselves. The beautiful truth is that we don't have to carry this weight. God has provided a wa

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Embracing Freedom Through Truth

by: Lionel Peters



DevotionalTruth has the power to transform our lives, but only when we embrace it. Sometimes we know what's true but resist accepting it because it challenges our comfortable beliefs or requires change. Yet, real freedom comes when we not only hear the truth but accept and apply it. God's truth isn't meant to restrict us; it's designed to liberate us. When we hide His word in our hearts and allow it to guide our choices, we experience the freedom that comes from living in

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The One True Path

by: Lionel Peters



DevotionalIn a world that celebrates diversity of beliefs and multiple paths to truth, Jesus makes a bold and exclusive claim. He doesn't present Himself as one of many ways to God, but as the only way. This might seem narrow-minded to some, but it's actually incredibly liberating. Instead of having to navigate countless spiritual paths and philosophies, we have a clear direction. Jesus is not just showing us the way; He is the way. Through Him, we find not only the path t

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Walking in His Steps

by: Lionel Peters



DevotionalLife often feels like navigating through a maze of decisions and choices. We want to make the right moves, but sometimes the path ahead seems unclear. The beautiful truth is that God doesn't expect us to figure it all out alone. He desires to order our steps and guide our way. When we allow Him to direct our path, we discover a journey marked by purpose and meaning. While He won't force us down any particular route, He faithfully shows us the best way forward. Ou

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Asking for Divine Wisdom

by: Lionel Peters



DevotionalHave you ever hesitated to ask for help because you felt you should already know the answer? Many of us struggle with this, especially in our spiritual lives. We might feel we're bothering God with our questions or that we should figure things out on our own. But God invites us to bring our need for wisdom directly to Him. He's not a harsh teacher who scolds us for not knowing; He's a loving Father who delights in guiding His children. When we need direction, we

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The Beginning of True Wisdom

by: Lionel Peters



DevotionalIn our modern world, we often equate wisdom with academic degrees, life experience, or philosophical knowledge. We spend years in education, read countless books, and seek advice from various sources. Yet, genuine wisdom starts in a surprisingly simple place - with reverence for God. This isn't about religious rituals or intellectual understanding; it's about recognizing God's supremacy and approaching Him with humble awe. When we acknowledge that God is the sour

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Victory Through Vulnerability

by: Lionel Peters



DevotionalIn God's kingdom, victory often looks different than we expect. While the world tells us to hide our weaknesses, God invites us to acknowledge them openly. When we're vulnerable about our struggles, it creates space for others to see God's power at work. Our testimonies of weakness becoming strength through God's grace can inspire others to trust Him with their own struggles. Remember, your story of transformation isn't just for you - it's a beacon of hope for ot

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by: Lionel Peters



DevotionalChange can be uncomfortable, especially when God is working to transform areas of our lives. Like a muscle being stretched, growth often involves discomfort. But this discomfort is actually a sign of God's work in us. When we feel the tension between our old nature and God's transforming power, it's evidence that real change is taking place. Instead of resisting these moments, we can embrace them as opportunities for God's strength to be displayed.

Bible Verse


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by: Lionel Peters



DevotionalSometimes we question why God allows certain struggles in our lives. We pray for removal of difficulties, wondering why He doesn't just take them away. But what if these challenges are actually carefully designed opportunities for His grace to shine? God's grace isn't just a safety net - it's the power that transforms our struggles into stepping stones. When we understand this, we can face our challenges with confidence, knowing that God has already provided all

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by: Lionel Peters



DevotionalPride can be sneaky. It often masquerades as self-sufficiency, making us believe we can handle life's challenges on our own. But God, in His wisdom, knows that true strength comes through humility. When we acknowledge our need for Him, we position ourselves to receive His power. Think about it - a cup must first be emptied before it can be filled with something new. Similarly, we must empty ourselves of pride and self-reliance to be filled with God's strength.


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Finding Strength in Surrender

by: Lionel Peters



DevotionalHave you ever felt frustrated by your own limitations? We often view our weaknesses as obstacles to overcome, trying desperately to hide them or fix them on our own. But what if these very weaknesses are actually gateways to experiencing God's power in our lives? Just as a cracked vessel allows light to shine through, our imperfections create space for God's grace to illuminate our lives. When we stop fighting our weaknesses and instead surrender them to God, som

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Standing Strong in Faith

by: Lionel Peters



When life's storms rage around us, our strength isn't measured by our ability to prevent difficulties, but by our ability to stand firm through them. Like a deeply rooted tree that bends but doesn't break in strong winds, our faith allows us to remain standing even when everything around us seems to be falling apart. This kind of resilience comes from knowing that our foundation is in Christ, not in our circumstances. When we're anchored in Him, we can face any challenge w

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