In our fast-paced world, we're often rushing from one thing to the next, rarely taking time to truly rest. We might briefly pause, but we seldom stay long enough to experience genuine refreshing. Think about a quick pit stop versus a restful vacation - which one truly rejuvenates you? God invites us to more than just momentary breaks; He calls us to dwell in His presence. When we learn to stay in His presence, we find more than temporary relief - we discover lasting peace and renewal. Today, resist the urge to rush through your time with God. Instead, linger in His presence and allow His peace to fully restore your soul.
Bible Verse
This is what the Lord says: "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls." - Isaiah 28:12
Reflection Question
What prevents you from staying longer in God's presence, and how can you create more space for genuine rest with Him?
Quote Too many of us have stopped at the resting place but never stayed. Too many of us have passed through the resting place but never stay.
Lord, forgive me for rushing through our time together. Help me learn to stay in Your presence and experience the deep refreshing that comes only from You. Teach me to value these moments of rest. In Jesus Name, Amen.
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